So Today I decided I would share an Idea with you!
Do you work with Fleece? Well I do on occasions, and not doing the tied blankets, though we have done some of those in the house. I have done jackets and doll clothes, and when cut you have those scrappy pieces left. And being one of those " I hate to waste Fabric" people I had a pile a accumulating.
I can remember if I'd seen it so where or if I got the idea from rag rugs, but I decided to cut them into narrow strips and I mean 1/2" wide as narrow ( it might be less than that).
Then tying end to end to make a long chain and rolling them into a ball till I had enough to do something with.
but looked pretty in my yarn crock!
Then when I needed a change of something to do I crocheted them, using the biggest hook I had in house which was a "G" doing a Granny Square , into a little blanket for our Beagle!
I will admit I wish I had a bigger hook, because my had would get tired but it was fun! and I found a use for those scrapes!
What a cool little blanket! I remember you saying you had a beagle....LOVE beagles! So sweet. I sure admire your ability to take little scraps and turn it into something. I don't have that ability, that's for sure! I'm glad your daughter is ok, that must have scary! Good thoughts going your way!